2011.12.10. @ BP, Szféra club // Padkarosda, A Párt
2012.02.16. @ BP, Szabad Az Á // Thot, Zero Absolu 2012.02.??. @ Szeged, ???
2012.02.26. @ BP, Óbudai próbatermek // The Static Age, Rosa Parks, Marionette ID
Yeah it could seems like we are doing nothing... and we are almost doing nothing lately. We have a lot's of plans like having a europe tour, putting out new EPs or even an LP, but we are lazy as shit. Ok it's not really true but the truth is we barely have enough time for Fuseism, because of schools, jobs, other projects and even life is a bit bitch with us lately. But who cares when we had awesome shows with awesome bands?
Last time we played with Red Dons. For me it was like a dream come true. The show was great, I really enjoyed The Revisions and it was good to hear Douglas Burns' voice so cleary. Now that dude can sing for sure! And on Red Dons... wow, everybody went apeshit-crazy! Just watch the videos, they tell everything I can't:
and here are some pictures from the show. sadly, only from us but I heard rumors that Jani Kummer will release his killer photos from the show sooner or later